Patient Care & Referral

Patient Care & Referral

Patient Care and Refferal 

Our Vision

Our vision is to give an avenue of assistance with medical problems that are beyond the capacity of the medical facilities in their local communities.  Where possible, we also aim to provide basic healthcare services and basic health education to rural communities.


Our Goal

We seek to empower our local churches by reaching out and showing the love of Jesus to sick people in their communities. Our goal is to see the provincial churches respected in their communities for the love and concern for the health of their members and their families. We reach out to Christian and non-Christians connected with church families. Our aim is to establish a relationship between the church, people in the community and the medical services available so that together we can bring physical, spiritual and emotional healing.


What We Do

Patient Care and Referral is a follow-up project on patients that have been seen by a medical team or referred by pastors, leaders, healthcare assistants or other persons. Many times, sick people in the village do not know where to go to for help or they do not have the means to get the medical assistance they need.  PCM is committed to coming alongside patients in their fight for life by helping them connect to places where they can get the help they need.  One of them is the Healing Home in Phnom Penh.

Other relevant healthcare services that we provide include –

  • The possible continued training of health workers in Myotherapy / remedial therapy to give pain relief for muscle, back and joint problems for workers in the rice fields, industry, sports people and the elderly. Each participant will receive training, a treatment table, treatment instruments, books, self-help brochures about prevention, home care, assist patients with medical needs, connecting them to public hospitals or hospitals we partner with and other information support.
  • The provision of basic healthcare services and basic health education to rural communities to enable the populations to better manage their own health and to promote improved community healthcare practices. This is achieved by training a local person who in turn trains significant persons within a local community. While the primary aim is to offer preventative healthcare education, some basic health care is offered in partnership with our partners and local health services.
$1,295 of $43,019 raised


Often, sick people in the village do not know where to go for help or do not have the means to get the medical assistance they need.  PCM is committed to coming alongside patients in their fight for life by helping them connect to places where they can get the help they need.


Our vision is to assist with medical problems that are beyond the capacity of the medical facilities in their local communities.  We also aim to provide basic healthcare services and basic health education to rural village communities.


We seek to empower our local churches by reaching out and showing the love of Jesus to sick people in their communities. Our goal is to see the provincial churches respected in their communities for their love and concern for the health of their members and their families. We reach out to Christians and non-Christians connected with church families. We aim to establish a relationship between the church, people in the community, and the medical services available so that together we can bring physical, spiritual, and emotional healing.


Patient Care and Referral is a follow-up project on patients who have been seen by a medical team or referred by pastors, leaders, healthcare assistants, or other persons.

Other relevant healthcare services that we provide include –

  • Provide lodging at the Healing Home for villagers undergoing medical treatment in Phnom Penh
  • The possible continued training of health workers in Myotherapy / remedial therapy to give pain relief for muscle, back, and joint problems for workers in the rice fields, industry, sports people, and the elderly. Each participant will receive training, a treatment table, treatment instruments, books, self-help brochures about prevention, home care, assisting patients with medical needs, connecting them to public hospitals or hospitals we partner with, and other information support.
  • Providing basic healthcare services and health education to rural communities enables the populations to better manage their health and promote improved community healthcare practices. This is achieved by training a local person who trains significant persons within a local community. While the primary aim is preventative healthcare education, some basic healthcare is offered in partnership with our partners and local health services.
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Donation Total: $100.00

Clean Water


Clean water

Clean Water is a project under Family and Education Program which is one of the program of New Life Foundation. Our vision and mission aim to introduce the Gospel and improve better living conditions and well-being of families in rural communities by providing Water Wells, Water filters, and Clean and Hygiene training to communities and empowering local churches by hoping to see small group gatherings in each community we work.

This project needs the budget of USD 2,350 per village, including a Safe Water Wells, 5 Water Filters, Clean and Hygiene training, follow-up and Central Admin Finance expenses. In addition, we would raise fund to provide 10 villages annually, totaling USD 23,500.

Our Vision

The vision and mission statement to introduce the Gospel and improve better living conditions and well-being of families in rural communities by providing Water Wells, Water filters, and Clean and Hygiene training to communities and empowering local churches by hoping to see small group gatherings in each community we work. The goal of the project is to provide 10 Safe Water Wells, 50 Water Filters and 10 Clean and Hygiene Training to 10 disadvantage villages in rural communities in Cambodia.

Community Development

Our vision and mission aim to introduce the Gospel and improve better living conditions and well-being of families in rural communities by providing Water Wells, Water filters, and Clean and Hygiene training to communities and empowering local churches by hoping to see small group gatherings in each community we work.

Selection Criterion

The vision and mission statement to introduce the Gospel and improve better living conditions and well-being of families in rural communities by providing Water Wells, Water filters, and Clean and Hygiene training to communities and empowering local churches by hoping to see small group gatherings in each community we work. The goal of the project is to provide 10 Safe Water Wells, 50 Water Filters and 10 Clean and Hygiene Training to 10 disadvantage villages in rural communities in Cambodia.

Mornitoring, Evaluation Reporting

It is essential that we regularly monitor the progress of project and report back to our sponsors. This will consist of the following:

  • There will be 3 months following up ( Phone Call) with each village for monitoring their life after the project completed.
  • Narrative report of each village will be sent to sponsors to report on the progress and improvements made in village’s development – physical, educational, and spiritual, and project completion.
$1,488 of $26,741 raised


Many villagers do not have close access to clean water.  They must carry it from long distances to their homes.  This makes life difficult.


Clean Water is a project under New Life Foundation. Our vision and mission is to improve the living conditions and well-being of villagers.  By providing water wells, water filters, and clean and hygiene training, and empowering local churches to introduce the Gospel because of the donated well, we hope to see small group gatherings started in each community where we work.

Our goal is to provide safe water wells for 10 villages, which would include 50 water filters (5 for each village), and 10 clean and hygiene training sessions. This project needs a budget of USD $2,350 per village.


We will regularly monitor the progress of the project and report back to our sponsors. This will consist of the following:

  • There will be 3 months of follow-up with each village to monitor their life after the project is completed.
  • A narrative report of each village will be sent to sponsors to report on the progress and improvements made in the village’s development – physical, educational, spiritual, and project completion.
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Donation Total: $100.00