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To provide sponsorship to needed students in the provinces to pursue university in the city and provide opportunities to gain…

of $11,316
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Students from villages often do not have the money required to pursue education past high school.  This adversely affects the jobs they can procure, and limits their ability to help their families break the cycle of poverty.

Tomorrow’s Generation project exists to bring hope and a bright future to young people by breaking the poverty cycle through education and Jesus.  We provide sponsorships for needy village students to pursue university in the city.  In addition, we provide opportunities to gain knowledge and valuable work experience through internships and volunteer opportunities with New Life Foundation, New Life Fellowship, and New Life School.

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Donation Total: $100.00


Providing ongoing and follow-up care to needy patients from around the country who can’t afford proper medical care.

of $43,019
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Often, sick people in the village do not know where to go for help or do not have the means to get the medical assistance they need.  PCM is committed to coming alongside patients in their fight for life by helping them connect to places where they can get the help they need.


Our vision is to assist with medical problems that are beyond the capacity of the medical facilities in their local communities.  We also aim to provide basic healthcare services and basic health education to rural village communities.


We seek to empower our local churches by reaching out and showing the love of Jesus to sick people in their communities. Our goal is to see the provincial churches respected in their communities for their love and concern for the health of their members and their families. We reach out to Christians and non-Christians connected with church families. We aim to establish a relationship between the church, people in the community, and the medical services available so that together we can bring physical, spiritual, and emotional healing.


Patient Care and Referral is a follow-up project on patients who have been seen by a medical team or referred by pastors, leaders, healthcare assistants, or other persons.

Other relevant healthcare services that we provide include –

  • Provide lodging at the Healing Home for villagers undergoing medical treatment in Phnom Penh
  • The possible continued training of health workers in Myotherapy / remedial therapy to give pain relief for muscle, back, and joint problems for workers in the rice fields, industry, sports people, and the elderly. Each participant will receive training, a treatment table, treatment instruments, books, self-help brochures about prevention, home care, assisting patients with medical needs, connecting them to public hospitals or hospitals we partner with, and other information support.
  • Providing basic healthcare services and health education to rural communities enables the populations to better manage their health and promote improved community healthcare practices. This is achieved by training a local person who trains significant persons within a local community. While the primary aim is preventative healthcare education, some basic healthcare is offered in partnership with our partners and local health services.
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Donation Total: $100.00


The vision and mission statement is to introduce the Gospel and improve better living conditions and well-being of families in…

of $26,741
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Many villagers do not have close access to clean water.  They must carry it from long distances to their homes.  This makes life difficult.


Clean Water is a project under New Life Foundation. Our vision and mission is to improve the living conditions and well-being of villagers.  By providing water wells, water filters, and clean and hygiene training, and empowering local churches to introduce the Gospel because of the donated well, we hope to see small group gatherings started in each community where we work.

Our goal is to provide safe water wells for 10 villages, which would include 50 water filters (5 for each village), and 10 clean and hygiene training sessions. This project needs a budget of USD $2,350 per village.


We will regularly monitor the progress of the project and report back to our sponsors. This will consist of the following:

  • There will be 3 months of follow-up with each village to monitor their life after the project is completed.
  • A narrative report of each village will be sent to sponsors to report on the progress and improvements made in the village’s development – physical, educational, spiritual, and project completion.
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Donation Total: $100.00

Student Dormitory

To provide a safe environment and leadership development for approximately 30 young people per Student Dormitory/Next Step House.

of $37,852
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Phnom Penh is a city of over two million people, and young people from underprivileged backgrounds are quickly drawn into lives of hopelessness, depression, addictions, and exploitation.

  • Young men and women from the rural areas of Cambodia who want to further their education often have no safe place to live in Phnom Penh.
  • Young people who have grown up in orphanages are required to move out on their own when they reach the age of 18. Having lived in an institution for most of their lives, they are ill-equipped and unprepared to live totally independently.
  • Young people from the partnering village churches come to Phnom Penh to train, build capacity, and return to serve in their churches.


Purchase a permanent facility for Student Dormitories in order to:

  • Provide a safe place for young people to live.
  • Provide an environment and development process for young people to have the foundational opportunities, soft skills, life skills, leadership skills, and mindsets for lasting success
  • Provide a leadership incubator pathway for New Life Dormitory students, who will become the next generation of leaders influencing the different sectors in Cambodia.


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Donation Total: $100.00


Children at Risk (C@R) is New Life Foundation’s sponsorship program reaching impoverished children and families throughout Cambodia. Many village children have…

of $49,114
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Many village children have only one parent or are orphaned.  These children grow up in extremely poor conditions as their families struggle to live day to day. Many at-risk children do not attend school because, to survive, they must labor in the rice fields with their families. Children who do not receive an education, cannot break free from the cycle of poverty.


គម្រោងកុមារប្រឈមនឹងភាពងាយរងគ្រោះ (C@R) is the New Life Foundation’s sponsorship program bringing hope and a bright future to impoverished children and families throughout Cambodia.  The C@R program provides needed school supplies for the children, and basic food for the family.

C@R works closely with the provincial pastors to reach out to these poor children and families, looking after their physical and spiritual health, visiting and following up on them regularly, teaching them about Jesus, and showing God’s love to families who do not know Christ.  With this help, the family can release their children from laboring in the fields, and allow them to continue their education. This simple sponsorship program is setting families free from the poverty cycle.

The monthly sponsorship per child is USD$35 (or USD$420 per annum). We would urge donors to commit to a period of 3 years but if you are unable to do so, a one-year commitment still helps. Our goal is to increase the number of sponsored children from 150 to 200.

In addition, we aim to run “Parent Seminars” to educate the parents of our sponsored children about the value of education and provide us with a further opportunity to share the gospel. The cost per seminar (for 30 children and their parents/guardians) is approximately $150.

New Life Foundation is seeking partners who will partner with us in having a long-term, multi-generational impact on hundreds of young people through this sponsorship program.


The selection of children and families consists of this main criterion –

  • Only one child per family
  • Children of poor provincial pastors: We feel it is important to look after our poor local village pastors by supporting them to keep their children in school
  • Poor children in the provinces are willing to study hard with supportive parents: We provide sponsorship to poor children who are committed and who have supportive parents.
  • Children from Grades 1-12 in government schools: As funds are limited, we only provide sponsorship for a child to attend the local government school, however, vocational training or private schooling is not provided.  We aim to support a child to finish their  High  School qualification.
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Donation Total: $100.00

Skill Training Center

We aim to give Cambodians a hopeful future by receiving decent JOBS with a reasonable salary. We are also committed…

of $39,229
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Wages in Cambodia are very low.  However, young people possessing good English skills have a much greater chance of profitable employment in many areas of Cambodian society.  By increasing their English skills or adding other languages and computer skills we are providing them with the ability to get a great job.


មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលបណ្តុះបណ្តាលជំនាញ has a clear vision based on 2 Js – JESUS and JOBS. We aim to give Cambodians a hopeful future by receiving decent jobs with a reasonable salary. We are also committed to sharing the love of JESUS with all the students and connecting them to church.

Our mission is to provide quality education in languages (English, Thai, Chinese), office and computer skills, leadership, and life skills for the local community.

The training is “free of charge” (a requirement by the Cambodian government for an international NGO operating in Cambodia). The goal is for all our students to be well-equipped and have a hopeful future in their careers.

Spiritually, we also try to connect the youth with classes offered by the church. We do this by building a genuine relationship between teachers and students. We share Christ’s love with them on any occasion and encourage them to join cell groups and LG (Life Guideline) classes for spiritual counseling.

Skills Training Center has greatly impacted the community and society through education and our supplementary courses.  Our students become well-equipped and have a hopeful future in their careers. Many students become Christians when they hear the good news.

We have about 2000 students studying our free language, office skills, life, and leadership courses throughout the year and many become Christians. We believe providing these marketable job skills to youth and young adults, impacts them for the rest of their lives and benefits the whole nation of Cambodia.

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Donation Total: $100.00


The vision is to help children to have a better life by providing additional/complementary education (which encourages them to stay…

of $43,333
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The number of children who drop out of school in Cambodia is very high.    Because of large classrooms (60 children in a classroom), children can often get to 6th grade and not even know how to read yet.  In 6th grade, they are required to take a state test.  If they fail the test they cannot advance to secondary school.  Many parents pull their children from school if they cannot pass the test.


New Transformed Lives’ vision is to provide additional/complementary education (which encourages them to stay at school and be able to pass their test) and to raise up future leaders for Cambodia.

The goals of the project are to –

  • Help children be healthy in body, soul, and spirit.
  •  Help children have a strong foundation in education.
  • Help children have a brighter vision and positive view of their future.
  • Help children encounter God and be exposed to the Gospel in a real way.

We would be sharing the salvation message at appropriate times and in relevant ways throughout the program


The implementation plan to achieve the above vision & goals consists of 3 main streams –

Informal Education/Tuition/After-School Program: We provide an after-school program teaching our children English, Khmer (Cambodian), and Math. We tutor them for 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. Our focus is on children between grades 1-6. We use the same curriculum as is used in the Government Schools. Depending on the local skills and resources available, we also provide additional lessons in life skills and character building.

The goal is that the project will be self-sustaining (i.e. all operational costs are covered) after a 3-year period. This implies that we will be encouraging the local church (via an allocated budget), the local church members (via offerings), and parents (via a fee structure) to build a contribution pipeline toward the future running costs of the program. We will provide each project site follow-up and advice for future running.








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Donation Total: $100.00